Last week I posted up the press release that I sent out to the media about our Equity Crowdfunding raise expressions of interest. Well, it has been one hectic/mad/crazy week our expressions of interest closed after just FOUR yes 4 days because we had so many people interested.

This was me (well kind of, if I was 20 years younger with blonde hair!) I was so surprised by the responses from you guys, I mean obviously, I love the idea and the business, but that doesn’t mean that lots of other people will. Initially, we opened the expression of interest and put 60 days as the timeframe, I was of course hoping that we could close it sooner. With expressions of interest how it works is that the platform like you to get 40% of the amount you want to raise expressed before moving to the offer stage (where people actually put in cash). Well, we got 500% of that 40% dollar amount!!! AMAZING.
I posted in one Facebook group called Like Minded Bitches Drinking Wine and got a massive 290 likes and 56 comments, with many of the ladies saying that they had registered an expression of interest – wow just wow!! My goal with posting in the group was to see if anyone would share the information with their audience so that it could be seen by more people, I have to say that I never thought people would say they’d invest.

So now the expression of interest has been satisfied there is rather a lot of admin paperwork to make sure that we meet all of the ASIC requirements, once that is done we can open our official offer. I will keep you updated as things move along, I would say that judging from the interest from the expression of interest I would suggest that if you are keen to join me on the Hoopsy journey you get in early. Visit to register your interest in the offer then you will definitely be the first to know.
See you soon, and if you have questions or comments please get in touch 🙂